Cemetery List
Below is a list of the cemeteries that were included in the 1980s tombstone survey. By clicking on a cemetery, you can view the details for that cemetery. Many of these details have been changed due to the explosive growth of the Orlando area since Disney World opened in 1971. This includes roadways, cemetery entrances and other details that are likely different than they were when the survey was originally done. Updated information and photos have been or will be updated from the original cemetery details of1983 where possible. These notes may include changed cemetery names, ownership, landmarks, etc. In rare cases, and only where a cemetery was no longer in use in 1983, additional burials may be added. Where practical, a link to a Google Map will also be provided.
Note that the information is the best available to us and is actively being updated. Some of the statistics, specifically number of graves, unnamed graves and oldest date on a tombstone is our best estimate.
Many of these cemeteries are still active and many graves may have been added since our original survey in the 1980s.
If you are searching for a particular family member, please check FindAGrave at https://www.findagrave.com/
* The tombstone records for these cemeteries have been uploaded into the Tombstone Database as of Aug. 15, 2015
1 Greenwood Cemetery was not included in the unpublished 1980s survey. It has been published in our book series Greenwood Cemetery Vols. 1 & 2.
2 There were no tombstones in this cemetery at the time of the survey.
3 Only surnames beginning with M through Z have been added to the database as of Aug. 15, 2015. The remainder will be added in the future.