CFGS Published Books
List of Books Available for Sale
The following books are available for purchase from CFGS via Amazon. The titles, prices and shipping are subject to change. Click on the links below for each publication.
Note that CFGS members recorded all information that was on the record books that make up these publications at that time. However, official records sometimes have missing data or forms or licenses were not properly recorded. The result is that many records have some blank columns.
if you have questions please email us at [email protected].
Vital Records:
Extract of records from the Register of Orlando Births. Information includes (when given) the names of child and each parent, residence, race, birthplace of each parent, and occupation of father.
Orlando Births 1910-1922
Orlando Deaths 1922-129
Marriages of Orange County, Florida Vol. 1: 1869-1909
Marriages of Orange County, Florida Vol. 2: 1910-1924
Marriages of Orange County, Florida Vol. 3: 1925-1929

Greenwood Cemetery Historical Trail
A visit with over 435 historic Orlandoans at their final resting place written by CFGS member Steve Rajtar. Steve, as a hike leader for the Florida Trails Association, has developed a number of historical hikes in Central Florida and farther afield. One of these was a tour of the city-owned Greenwood Cemetery, which is among the oldest of Central Florida’s cemeteries. Through research into a variety of sources, Steve has documented more than 435 of the people who played a part in the history of the area and matched them up to their tombstones in Greenwood. A stroll through Greenwood with the book in hand provides a mini-history of Orlando and surrounding area.
Greenwood Cemetery: Volume 1 Sections A-J
Orlando’s largest and oldest cemetery – these sections include the stones for many of Orlando’s early settlers. Records include not only tombstone readings, but also the office information to include date of purchase, purchaser of plot, often addresses and sometimes relationships. Arranged by lot.
Greenwood Cemetery: Volume 2 Sections K-W
Orlando’s largest and oldest cemetery – this volume includes the stones for many of Orlando’s early settlers. Records include not only tombstone readings, but also the office information to include date of purchase, purchaser of plot, often addresses and sometimes relationships. Arranged by lot.
Powell Cemetery: Orange County, Florida 1880-1950
An in-depth study of the tiny Powell Cemetery, south of Orlando in Orange County. The cemetery, the land and the people are covered. Each of the 35 families represented here is traced for several generations.

Volume 1: The Smaller Cemeteries of Southwest Orange Co. Florida
Includes listings for 13 cemeteries Beth Israel, Beulah Baptist, Dann Family, Dr. Phillips, Garden of Life, Garden of Eternal Rest, Lake Hill, Oakridge, Ohev Shalom, Old Gotha, Powell, Vineland and Zion.
Where Did They Put Wakulla?
A genealogist’s guide to the library, the Dewey Decimal classifications down to the county level! PLUS: Country, Regional, Biographical, Historical and other Dewey classifications for the family history researcher.
Available on LuLu at