Eatonville Cemetery

Other Names:
Property Address:
 Latitude:, Longitude: –
Number of Named Graves (in survey): 283
Number of Unnamed Graves (in survey):
Oldest Date of Death on a Tombstone: 1925
Original Information:
2014 Notes: Take I-4 east to Lee Road. Exit Lee Road, turn right and then make an immediate left on Wymore Road. The cemetery is about two miles on the right. Eatonville Cemetery, established in 1923, has about 350 graves. There are over 70 unreadable funeral markers and many unmarked graves. (Eatonville Comm. Cern. Assn. 35 21 29 0000 0012 — Eatonville 32751; Beg. 400′ S of NW cor. of NE 1/4 run S 466.7′ E 466.7 N to POB –less 5 So. ft., Tax Ex.) (Cemetery 35 21 29 9999 9911 — Eatonville 32751; S 100′ of N 400′ of W 466′ of NE corner, (Tax Ex.). Link